Friday, January 29, 2010

Downing Hollow under the snow

A chance to reflect upon the fragile seeds recently planted as well as the ones we have yet to nurture. Small chicories, beets, endives and lettuces are slowly sprouting from the ground inside the ice-covered green house; inside, we turn the heat up and seed some purple osaka mustard greens. For lunch, Lori made avgolemono, a Greek egg and lemon soup with some of our neighbors' pasture-raised chicken. Alex is making bread for dinner. That's what Alex does – bread. He lovingly dolls out the flour, the yeast and the water every week (or two days, or day, or 12 hours, as the case may be). My goodness... bread. Snow. Yum!
Tomorrow, more chicory and endive go into the ground, I hope they make it. When you're farming, failure is not failure. Failure is part of farming. It's hard but it's true and so, when I see the snow falling, I don't worry, knowing that, like every year, enough plants will thrive for this family to make it through another season.
I love you, my little plants!
entry by Caitlin Dupuigrenet

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